Will The End of Trade Tariffs Increase Sales Wood Products to China?
The association has received many calls from both sawmills and lumber suppliers stating that as soon as the government ends tariffs on Chinese products that their sales will skyrocket and they will again become extremely profitable. What
Changes In Business Insurance Providers And Do You Know Your Cost?
Recently the number of insurance companies offering coverage to woodworking companies shrank even further as one of the primary providers bought their competition. The result is that there are now fewer options for companies seeking
First Thing To Do In A Disaster
Think quick! Your company has just experienced a major fire or tornado during working hours, what is the first thing you do? Recently a woodworking company in New England experience a 9 alarm fire that started during the middle of the
It's A Bird, It's A Plane.......It's OSHA
On May 18, 2018 OSHA issued an internal memorandum to its regional administrators directing the procedures for the use of "drones" during health and safety inspections. They have reportedly been used so far on nearly a dozen worksite
Is the economy helping to raise you business insurance rates?
We have received a number of calls from members asking why they are being quoted such high rates when their business insurance renews? The answer is partially due to the good economy we have been experiencing. With an aging population